Something was missing from the gallery.

Location: Washington, DC

Date played: October 31, 2015

Team size: up to 10; we recommend 4-5

Price: $20 per ticket, but it can vary

Escape Artist DC


When we entered Escape Artist DC, we were greeted by a small gallery. The walls of the reception area displayed the work of a local artist. We really liked what we saw on display during our visit and we absolutely love the idea of an escape game using the lobby as a small art gallery.

Given that the company name, Escape Artist DC, includes the word “artist,” the decor was appropriate. As was a game themed on a gallery heist.

Unfortunately, this staging also set us up for disappointment: The quality of art downstairs far exceeded that in the game gallery upstairs.

The Gallery Heist was set in a replica of an art gallery, but it felt especially like a game knowing there was genuinely interesting local art a flight of stairs away.

The art in the lobby. In the game was a different story.
The art in the lobby. In the game it was a different story.


The proprietor of Escape Artist DC delivered a detailed story arc before we entered the room. It boiled down to: Find the stolen painting, figure out who stole it, and find your way back out of the gallery.

Escape Artist DC put a lot of thought into this story, including crafting an “escape” into a game built around a different win condition. However, the escape component felt forced.

Additionally, the briefing time was extensive. We love a good setup, but editing the introductory speech down to a concise sixty seconds is generally advisable.

Locks & puzzles

In this game Escape Artist DC relied heavily on locks and some off-theme clues … kind of like the thief was looking to get caught?

An art gallery is a setting where more modern security technology would fit right in. It seemed like a missed opportunity to make use of more elaborate security.

Determining the culprit

There was a series of puzzles that didn’t unlock a single thing, but did help us determine who committed the crime.

This was the Gallery Heist’s high point. It was a fun element. Escape Artist DC should continue to explore this interesting concept.

Cost and timing

Escape Artist DC gave us complementary tickets to this game. They charged our teammates their regular large party rate of $18 per player, which is significantly below the US industry standard.

The games at Escape Artist DC are only 45 minutes, and we escaped in less than half that time (shattering their record).

Thus our fairly inexperienced teammates each paid approximately one dollar per minute. That was a tough pill to swallow, even when it was being washed down by a new record.

Should I play Escape Artist DC’s Gallery Heist?

This game felt like a game. While Escape Artist DC attempted to make us detectives in their gallery heist story, we never felt like the characters they wanted us to be. We felt like we were solving puzzles in a game. They need to dial up the production value to keep on par with the competition (and their lobby).

There were some fun elements and the suspect deduction portion of the game was clever. That being said, the interesting ideas and fun mechanics need more work.

If Escape Artist DC zeros in on what makes this room special, I am confident that there’s a really interesting and compelling game in The Gallery Heist, but this painting needs to go back on the easel.

Full disclosure: Escape Artist DC comped our tickets for this game.

4 responses to “Escape Artist DC – The Gallery Heist [Review]”

  1. My friends and I are doing one of these next week, can’t wait! I like your review style, Lisa. Very authentic :). Would love to feature your reviews in our weekly curated email digest that goes out to thousands of people.

    1. You will really enjoy these games. I’m excited for you! If you haven’t found it yet, here is our Room Escape Basics:

      You might want to share it with your teammates before you play.

      You are welcome to feature our reviews in your email digest. Please link back to our website. Thanks!

  2. Please note that we have significantly changed the Gallery heist game since the review was written. The success rate of the gallery heist is now 33% (from the original 50% or so). The premise is the same however, the game is no longer lock heavy (only 3 locks) while we have added more physical puzzles and introduced art related concepts such as anamorphism and optical illusion.

    1. Milind, we’re thrilled to hear that you’re continuing to iterate, improve, and innovate.

      The way we approach reviews is that we write them as we experienced them, so we won’t update our review, however we do look forward to attempting one of your newer games the next time we visit Washington, DC.

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