REA logo with a photo of a pinned map of the USA in the background.

Find an escape room near you

Our map and directory covers permanent escape room facilities in the United States of America.

We have recently relaunched this directory with a great deal of new functionality including a lot of additional information about each individual location as well as the ability to search a region. All of this is in beta.

Is something missing?

We never deliberately exclude games, so if you know of one that’s missing, please let us know.

Need help choosing a game?

There are a lot of escape room companies listed in our directory and most of them offer multiple escape games.

Check out our regional escape room recommendations for some guidance finding a game that will be right for you.

Check out our Golden Lock Award winners for our favorite games we’ve played all over the world:

US Escape Room Industry Data

We have maintained this directory since 2014 and publish the industry report. Here is the most recent report:

Support Our Mission

There are many wonderful folks from all over the world and the escape room community who help make our work possible.

This kind of financial support is critical to us as we work to make our operation more sophisticated and strive to bring more value to the community that we love so much.

Thank you to everyone who helps make our work possible.
