Print + Cut + Escape is included in our recommendation guide for Play On-Demand Online Escape Games. For more of the best online escape games in this style, check out the recommendation guide.

Print + Cut + Escape is a print and play game created by clueQuest in London, England.

In-game: A collection of cut paper with black & white images printed on them.

Style of Play: paper-based puzzle game with accompanying website

Required Equipment: Computer with internet connection (but a mobile device will suffice), printer, and scissors. Pen, paper, and scotch tape are also recommended.

Recommended Team Size: 1-3

Play Time: 60 minutes (but there isn’t a time limit if you want to take longer)

Price: £12

Booking: Click to purchase and play

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Rating: 3 out of 3.

I recommend this game to escape room players at any time.

Rating: 2 out of 3.

I recommend this game to escape room players in quarantine.

Rating: 1 out of 3.

I do not recommend this game.

In-game: An incoming video message from Agent Crimson.

Theresa W’s Reaction

Rating: 3 out of 3.

ClueQuest was able to create some truly unique and fun puzzles between the printed and digital components. Print + Cut + Escape was incredibly tangible considering the format, and almost every puzzle had an aha moment. The story line was easy to follow and portrayed through videos. It even fit into the overarching story of their in-person rooms! There is no outside knowledge required, which was a nice breath of fresh air. The game was a delightful experience, and I really cannot wait to see what they do next! (Yes, they even hint at a sequel!!!)

Michelle Calabro’s Reaction

Rating: 3 out of 3.

Overall, a delightful game that does a good job of integrating narrative and puzzle mechanisms. The sense of humor is also very appropriate for the spy theme. Criticisms include red herrings in some puzzles, and not knowing how to start a puzzle. It would help to tell players to get a pen and scotch tape before playing. Also, the website timed out and I thought I’d lost my chance to play. I was pleasantly surprised to learn the following day that I could still keep playing.

Sarah Mendez’s Reaction

Rating: 3 out of 3.

This game is a well-rounded play with a coherent and interesting narrative, a variety of plot-driven puzzles, and an effective mix of paper and digital elements. The puzzles are fairly easy, but well designed and fun. The challenge increases steadily throughout. Only drawback: we spent nearly as much time cutting out the 20+ pages of pieces as playing the game, so plan accordingly. Regardless, I enjoyed this more than many mass market boxed escape games, so the price seems fair. I look forward to Episode 2!

Format Description

The game is exactly as described — Print + Cut + Escape!

The game includes a 24-page PDF containing puzzle pieces to print and cut out, an online app, and a one-time access code for registering your team in the app. The app guides you through the story one “chapter” at a time, serving up puzzles as videos, audio, and/or simple gadgets for entering solutions. To solve the puzzles, you refer to the printed pieces that correspond to the chapter.

Player Tip: Make sure to print the PDF in “fit to page” mode. Otherwise, the images bleed off the paper, and you must sadly print the 24 pages all over again.

Disclosure: clueQuest provided the Hivemind reviewers with a complimentary play.

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