Professor Jones’ Office is one of the best games in Minneapolis. Here are our other recommendations for great escape rooms around Minneapolis.

Update August 2022: Professor Jones’ Office is now located at Lock and Key Escape Rooms’ other facility, St. Cloud Escape Rooms, in St. Cloud, Minnesota.

He’s a famous archeologist, but not *that* famous archeologist.

Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota

Date played: August 21, 2017

Team size: 6-8; we recommend 4-6

Duration: 60 minutes

Price: $25 per ticket

Emergency Exit: [A+] No Lock

Physical Restraints: [A+] No Physical Restraints

Story & setting

Professor Jones had gone missing and we went on a treasure hunt of our own in his artifact- and puzzle-laden office.

Professor Jones’ Office was a study/ trophy collection. The set was filled with many familiar and unfamiliar relics from the past work of Professor Jones. Parts of the set were detailed while others were fairly bland or bare.

In-game: A broad shot of the room, a wall of ruins in the background along with a cabinet of artifacts. A chess board is staged blurred in the foreground.


The puzzles were both big and small, some used more robust set pieces while others relied on finding minute details. In either case, the puzzles worked though the objects at hand.


We enjoyed multiple exciting actions and reveals. This included one cinematic callback and continued throughout the game in unexpected ways. We particularly enjoyed the final act.

Lock and Key Escape Rooms co-opted familiar tropes of the adventure-archeology genre and made these their own. What could easily have been a straight homage was instead a new adventure.

Professor Jones’ Office included a few larger interactive set pieces that gave the space character.


Professor Jones occupied a huge office and with few exceptions, he furnished it with unassuming pieces and a multitude of knickknacks. Because of this, the scale of the experience felt off.

While thematically relevant, Professor Jones’ notebook hampered game flow. It was yet another small object, and in this case one in rough shape, for dedicated individuals to pore over, one person at a time. We would have rather seen a creative nod to the archeologist’s journal and more integrated cluing.

Looks can be deceiving. There’s an interaction that could be dangerous to tall players, especially those focused on the gameplay.

Should I play Lock and Key Escape Rooms’s Professor Jones’ Office?

There was an adventure to uncover in Professor Jones’ Office. We experienced quite a few unusual and exciting moments in and around these artifacts.

We recommend this escape room to both newer players and more experienced players alike. Professor Jones’ Office flows well; newer players will likely find it challenging but approachable. More experienced players may have encountered more remarkable gamespaces of the adventure-archeology variety, but not always the same excitement in interactions.

Book your hour with Lock and Key Escape Rooms’s Professor Jones’ Office, and tell them that the Room Escape Artist sent you.

Full disclosure: Lock and Key Escape Rooms comped our tickets for this game.

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