Meme of Marie Kondo asks, "Does this puzzle spark joy?"

Something to consider when designing a game: 

Each puzzle should be there for someone to enjoy. 

If a puzzle is present for the sole purpose of slowing a team down or making the game hard… consider replacing it with something that’s actually fun. 

One response to “Does this puzzle spark joy? [Meme]”

  1. Yes, this. A thousand times this. Deliberate time sinks are obvious to any mildly experienced ER player. Worse, they’re not obvious to inexperienced players. Instead, they just see “not fun.” Not a great first impression.

    Of course, good, enjoyable puzzles take time, creativity and usually money. Paragraph long substitution ciphers and “Jane likes strawberry jam. Bob drives a Cadillac.” logic puzzles are cheap and easy to make. So of course they bring the game makers joy!

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